Saturday, January 29, 2011

Night life/Toledo

Last night my roommates and I hung out with some kids from our school, Suffolk University Madrid, at their apartment - which was beautiful!! We went over there before heading out to this club, Pacha, which is the same as the Pacha that is located in NYC. The club is pretty exclusive and the kids from our school somehow have connections there, so not only were they able to get us in for free (compared to a usual 15-20 Euro cover price), but we also went straight up to the VIP section. Not to mention, by the time we got to the place, I was exhausted, since it was about 3am, but the place was amazing, the DJ was awesome, and it wasn't crowded with a bunch of internationals like most of the other places we have been to are. It was cool to be hanging out with the locals, in this 3+ story club with multiple dance floors and different dj's.

Needless to say, we didn't get home until after 6am, and had to set our alarms for 9am, to go meet with our API group to get on a bus to go tour the city of Toledo. It was rough getting up, and we contemplated just going another time. But then we remembered how we already have no money, and it doesn't make sense to skip a trip that is already paid for. So Kaylen, Ana, Katie and I dragged ourselves out of bed and to the meeting point at Hotel Regina, boarded the bus, and headed off to Toledo.

Toledo was BEAUTIFUL. It was definitely worth the trip. Shout out to my Ohio relatives, yes Toledo, Spain is a sister city of Toledo, Ohio!! Made me think of you guys.

Toledo is a city with a ton of cathedrals. Our tour guide was telling us that in the entire city, there are 82 cathedrals, and luckily we were able to visit one, and it was beautiful. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside, even though we all snagged a few anyway. But this is a picture of the outside of the cathedral. It was huge. I have never seen anything like it. All the details inside are amazing and so intricate, its crazy to believe that people actually made it themselves.

We got home around 4 this afternoon and we all took long naps, which were completely necessary. I don't know how everyone in Spain keeps up with their social lives....

Besos de Madrid,

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