Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Days in Madrid

Hey everybody! I'm so in love with this city already.. it's definitely a lot to take in but it's amazing! Everyone in my program is so nice. The airport in Madrid was definitely a challenge, I had no idea where I was going and it was tough understanding everybody when I asked for directions. We took a bus to the hotel and got a hotel room and I slept for a couple hours, the jet lag was intense. My roommate Ana stayed with me in the hotel too, she's so nice and her Spanish is awesome. Mine..not so much.

We went to a restaurant with the entire group and had a great meal, everybody played it safe for the most part though and had pollo (chicken). Later on, I explored the center of the city with a group of girls. The buildings are so beautiful and everybody's very fashionable. I need to take more pictures and I'll definitely post them on facebook soon! We ended up at an Irish pub and got Sangria by la plaza mayor. The next day we had meetings and stuff and then had some free time to shop. Every store has big sales right now, can't wait to buy some good clothes!
We had an interesting lunch, rice with a tomato sauce around it that tasted just like tomato soup and an egg overeasy on top. I didn't know how I'd do with it, but it was so delicious!

Last night we went to a club called Kapital. It was unreal! It had 7 stories. The club scene is pretty different over here. We got to the club around 2 am and then left around 6 am and it was still packed when we did. Didn't sleep at all, but so worth it! It was so so fun! The guys really know how to dance here, all the girls were all being spun around all night. Didn't really know what I was doing but it was such a blast, I can't wait to go again! Aunt Lisa- no hissing yet.. we'll see. haha

Ana and I moved into the apartment today! It's beautiful, we all have our own room and there's 4 bathrooms! Its so big..There will be 8 of us eventually, but for now its just ana and I! I have wifi so it will be really easy to talk to everyone at home! I'm missing everybody already.
We're checking out our school, Nebrija, tomorrow morning. I heard it's beautiful! I'll try to write more soon!


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